
浑身都, 由里到外都!!!!


就因为超级懒惰的我, 竟然去打羽毛球了!!! 

大家惊讶吗?? 哈哈, 想当年在intec也没那么勤劳耶!! haiz....

不过这次没有照片, 因为我自己都打得快要断气了, 哪里还有力去拍照啊? 只是凯芹和伟健比我还卖力哦!! 不同的是, 人家卖力得来有实力, 我卖力了, 还是只是凑数献丑...说了还真是有点丢脸...我怎么还会写出来呢? 奇怪!!??

不过值得说的是, 凯芹和伟健俩竟然就跑过隔壁court, 和那两位看上去
就知道是高手的人打!! 超勇的! 最后我索性就坐下来,当个观众,为他们打气好了! 出乎意料之外的是, 打了两场, 竟然也只是输了3分!看来凯芹和伟健的实力果然是不容忽视的! 

值得庆幸的是, 出场的不是我, 不然还真的会丢脸丢到大西洋去耶!! hehe!! paiseh....

好了, 虽说我没有和高手对打, 但我也是有打球的嘛, 所以后遗症就自然是 -- 浑身伤痛咯! 也没伤啦, 只是痛而已....

当然, 我是不会坐以待毙的, erm... 应该说, 任由它痛而不管, 所以在此献上我的灵丹妙药:

1. 从马来西亚带来的 Yoko-Yoko


当然痛还是会痛, 但是不要紧,相信我!

无论是肉体上的痛, 还是心灵上的痛, 
只要给予时间, 还是会



29th March 2008

5th Destination: Surfers Paradise

Yes, it is the same day as Harbour Town which we proceed to the beach after shopping in Harbour Town. Both places are quite near to each other, though it still took us 20 minutes or more to reach there.

I've taken some pictures along the way when approaching Surfers Paradise:


Finally we reached Surfers Paradise!

The information centre where i get my tourist guide brochures.

TVB王子(自称孤王) 与爱妃们 (还是宫女??).


and finally the significant logo of Surfers Paradise!!

[ to iz: 为了补偿我对你的出卖,就在这里 (iz: 读'姐里' la!) promote 一下你啦!]
he is still single and available!
and he is very nice de o!

We are not going to the beach to surf nor dive, just to enjoy the scenery (and to listen to the wave! quoted from wei jien). Ok, no matter what is our purpose, here are some pictures of the beach that we've taken:

natural beach + modernised building = Surfers Paradise!
(another thing that we realized is that the buildings here are of different style and design.)

obviously guys are always camera man.

since they are so pity,
just give them a photo which just consist of both of them.

introducing the nice and wide beach with crystal clear water
and white sandy beach!

我不得不说 shirin 的自拍技术着实不错!
就那么刚刚好把 iz 给crop 掉! haha!
不是啦, 是因为容纳得4个人!

just guess which shadow belongs to who..

comment to this photo:
jj: 这张照片很可爱!
xiao hong: 像疯婆子!
random person: 无聊!
so, the conclusion is 我们可以从不同的角度看同样的东西!

haha, guess which leg is whose??

i found a seashell at the seashore.

cute fat cat drawn by wei jien with his name in it..

the blur words on the sand are:
'JJ/WJ/AB @ Surfers Paradise'

AB /CY/IZ/WJ/JJ/ST @ gold coast
(from left: wei jien, alice, me, iz, shirin, chia yee)

erm.. the point of this photo is...
my legs are buried in sand..

i'm just syok sendiri-ing.
or sounds nicer, i'm enjoying the beauty of nature.

following the latest TVB Drama 太极,

we are building ...guess what?
pyramid? no no..
it is a twin tower!
come on, we are Malaysians mah!

actually there are 4 of us working on it,
iz, me, wei jien, and the other hand there belongs to chiayee.

while we are working on our sand-twin-tower,
shirin and alice enjoying themselves with sun bath!

finally, it is done!!!
(the left one was done by iz and chia yee while the right one was done by wei jien n me)

yeah! done!!
our twin tower!

trying to destroy our own hardwork!
the 4 girls!

which one do you prefer?
the above one or the below one?

we prefer this one! haha!

leng lui at the beach!

No matter how happy and enjoyable we are, it is time to leave..

Though we are leaving, I able to grab the few last view of the beach in the evening:

foot print of the birds

breathtaking evening view of the beach!

chia yee likes this picture a lot and
says that she wants to make it as her desktop background

the rescue helicopter

got the chance to take picture with the handsome guard before we leave.

on the way back....

So, here ends our trip to both Harbour Town and Surfers Paradise, which at the same time implies the end of our mid-semester break. Though we enjoy holidays, and I love the days which I need not wake up early, I have to face the reality that my holidays end!! T_T

Well, before going back to St. Lucia, we had our dinner in a Korean Restaurant in Brisbane city. So I will end this post with some photos of our meal.

Iz's dinner, which we think that it looks like nasi pattaya.
Argh...nasi pataya that cost aud10..
Suddenly, i miss Al-Awwal and Imthiyaz so much.

chia yee and mine, we ordered the same thing.
Seafood kimchii soup with rice.
Strongly recommended by shirin.

wei jien's dinner..no description..
(actually i forgot what is it already.)


p/s: i know that this is another long post, many suggest me to break it to 2 posts, which make up of part 1 and part 2. I did consider about that, but is there any difference? You still have to wait the pictures to load, and scroll down to see the pictures, right? =)


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If you hope to find serious stuff or extravagant words in my blog, then i'm sorry to disappoint you lo! As what my blog title suggests, i'm a very lazy person who lazy in everything except sleeping n eating. hahahaha!!


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