
A memorable day..

1st time celebrating Hari Kemerdekaan in a foreign country...
1st time realise that actually I would like to celebrate this special event too, if i could be at home...
1st time hope that I can listen Negaraku in tv1 or tv2...

就算再埋怨, 再不爽, 再不喜欢, 再骂,
她依然是我的国家, 依然是我长大的地方, 依然有我最最最想念的家......

埋怨她的治安, 但同时庆幸没有暴乱;
埋怨她的制度, 但同时庆幸没有战争;
埋怨她政治的不公平, 但庆幸生活仍然无忧;

is it that we will never appreciate things that are in our hand?
just as we never enjoy celebrating Independence Day back at home,
but now every Malaysian friend that is in oversea wish our very motherland a Happy Birthday;

just as we always thought Hari Merdeka as a public holiday and that's all.
but now we appreciate it more even though it's not a public holiday in Australia or any part in the world;

just as how we miss our home in Malaysia during this very special day now
when last time we think each and every reason that helps us to run away from the celebrations..

No matter how we dislike or blame or scold about Her,
she is still our homeland!
a place we grow up,
a place with our families, our friends,
with the most delicious food and
most unforgettable memories...

Happy Birthday Malaysia!
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan!

countdown: 11 weeks and 2 days to go....



This is a very late post...regarding Ekka. What is Ekka? Honestly, i don't know what is Ekka when i went there, i just know that there will be many stalls selling different things and it is a very famous festival in Brisbane. So, of course i won't miss it!

Ekka, formal title would be Royal Queensland Show (which i think if u mention this, no one in Brisbane know what are u mentioning...) and is an annual Queensland show. Initially it is named as Brisbane Exhibition, but due to the laziness..oops, i mean culture of shortening English words, Exhibition become Ekka.

*我跟你讲, 澳洲真的很懒的啦~ 什么字都把它给缩短...举例来说, afternoon 变成 arvo , breakfast 变成 breaky, 所以理所当然的, exhibition 就变成 ekka lo!*

ok, 简单来说呢, 这从一开始是要向别人展示自家的agriculture product 和多么先进的新仪器, 然后再炫耀一下自家的牛羊马长的多么地健康....到了现在, 虽然仍然保有动物展览, 人们去的目的却不再是看牛羊了...由于每年进场的人数都在增加, 主办当局其实不停地在增加吸引人群的事物, 例如多了可以玩游戏赢公仔的stalls, 由赞助商赞助并以较低价出售的货品 (eg: cadbury, sweets, dolls, magazines, foods...), 以及各种不同类型地食物档.....真是眼花缭乱啊!!

无论如何, 反正当天早上, 我们就从 city 搭巴士到现场, 然后走了一整天, 回家时, 脚都就快要断了...
好吧,再怎么累, 照片还是不会少, 慢慢过目吧! 我懒惰形容了..hehe.

shuttle bus to Ekka


if i remember correctly, his name is Romeo.
and he is definitely not meant for us, he is there to entertain children...

后来才知道那是一场比赛, 谁家的狗在最短的时间完成任务, 谁家就赢了!

strawberry stalls selling different kinds of strawberries beverages n desserts


当然那不是它的名字, 只不过我忘了! 就随便吧!

人山人海 1

人山人海 2

人山人海 3

各种因ekka 而搭的 thrill rides..
aud6 per ride, 说真的:
他不如去抢? 玩完之后, 我可以去一次 dream world 了啦!

看到吗????? 那就是让你赢回家的公仔了!!!!
*放大后看, 简直是壮观!!*


恭喜恭喜, 恭喜凯芹 (aka siu mou)为她自己赢了那么大的一只狗公仔!!!

我跟你讲, 那真的真的真的真的真的真的很好吃!!!!

贪心的人: 一手拿咖啡 (free的). 一手拿冰淇淋 (paid aud4.50 i think)...

好了, 拍完照, 休息够了, 就去别的地方看看吧!

不过后来听说, 这里的人看马赛都是穿这样, 是我们太没见识而已...

马儿们只是排队就不懂排了多久, 结果又让我们拿来拍照了...


看到吗? 就是这样的缆车, 带领着我们穿越全场, 让你在高空, 好好享受风景!!
aud 6 per ride also!

没有人帮我们拍? 不要紧, 自拍咯!!

desperate when no one take photo for me...



其实这张照片的主角有3位, 两个人+ 再前点的那只寂寞的狗...


我们绝对还在澳洲里, 只不过不懂哪跑来的深圳展览会..

绝对经典!! 狗与主人..
*其实狗狗之所以坐得那么稳,还得多谢跪在后面的kin fei支撑着..*

一开始看到美女, 想也没想就冲上去拍照,
memang mempersiasuikan...

好开心哦!! 竟然有免费试酒...最喜欢免费的东西了!!!


饿了饿了!! 看一次, 饿一次! 糟糕!

饭后活动: 在中国城 (Chinatown) 拍照!


巴士站, 也不放过...


strawberry and peach wine

本来呢, 到这里就结束了...但是....哈哈!


对啦!! 就是你了!

来自怡保的学长, 没错, 就是我的同乡啦!!
所以你看我对他多么地好啊!! 还特地留一部分来介绍他呢!!!

本来是要promote promote 他的, 不过现在似乎已经不用了! 哈哈....


好吧, 看在一场同乡之谊:

好男人哦!!! 还帮我们拿东西呢!! 然后就是在大家跑掉的时候, 好好人地帮我们看东西....

*主要原因大概是他脚已负荷不了再多的活动了...* =P


* to kin fei: 看? 我对你很好啊! 都在赞你耶!! 所以是不是很感动 leh?? 哈哈!!!*

p/s: so tired after submitting the anatomy assignment, seriously lack of sleep!! anw, the nxt post will be river festival!
yeah!! i will be watching fireworks tomorrow night!!!!


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If you hope to find serious stuff or extravagant words in my blog, then i'm sorry to disappoint you lo! As what my blog title suggests, i'm a very lazy person who lazy in everything except sleeping n eating. hahahaha!!


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