一个无论从数字还是意义, 都具有纪念价值的日子.
2000 年的奥运会, 在澳洲, 我没印象;
2004 年的奥运会, 在雅典, 也没什么留意;
2008 年的奥运会, 在中国北京.
我从来没有认真留意开幕典礼, 也没有非看不可的情怀, 但今年的开幕典礼, 不但是因为在中国, 也因为这是我第一次不在马来西亚看的开幕典礼, 更显特别...
所以呢, 就约了几位朋友到 southbank 去看这场让人期待已久的开幕典礼 lo! 在典礼开始前, southbank 还特别准备了一些节目给观众. 由于我们迟到了, 所以抵达现场时, 已错过一些表演, 而且现场也实在人潮汹涌!
等了许久, 终于到了紧张的时刻 了!!!
由于现场有着数不清的技术问题, 我相信我错过了许多精彩画面和介绍...难过...
不过现场的气氛高昂, 的确增加了不少观看的乐趣!
在种种精彩, 让人咋舌的表演后, 我们用运动员进场的冗长时间拿来拍照..
看到差不多1 点时, 终于忍不住回家了, 幸好回到家还赶得及看点火仪式~
*由于本人现在不舒服, 所以就草草结束此篇, 对不起啦~*
同一个世界, 同一个梦想!!!
wa so nice sumore got so big event so many ppl watch together haha..while waiting for the opening ceremony we sien til cooking mee..(but itz mee goreng fr msia!) so stil fine haha..
corz d countries too farn d..lol..was texting wif chee jie but stil cant make me patiently wait for all countries to finish coming in..
i oso never wana watch olympics opening so much 1 ler..n was so so excited to watch..haha..
ohh dear sick jiu rest more larr....still got so much energy post so many pictures here... haha
really pei fu ur blogging spirit wor...haha...wo gan bai xia feng lar,dunno how long din update mine already...lol
take care and make use of ekka holiday 2 rest more la har... get well soon...
to pat: ya lo, 1st time watched opening ceremony so enthusiastically leh! wah, u stay up til 3am plus for the opening ceremony?? pei fu pei fu!!! *clapz*
to ~jien~: haha, since i got no mood n energy to study, though normally also wont have, i ma blog lo! pei fu me leh? haha, thank you thank you! wan to know how long u din update ur blog? c the left column of my blog u wil know...which is 1 month di....
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