4th May 2008 Southbank, Brisbane

Knew about this festival from Karen and heard that there will be fireworks, so Khai Chin, Wei Jien, both Alice and me happily went to the festival and have a look.

Why are we so happy? or at least why am I so happy about the festival??

Mostly because it would be the 1st time i celebrate Buddhist Festival in a western country, it is a new experience. This reminds me of the Wesak Day, those days in Intec, days in Buddhist Group, time spent to be a volunteer during Wesak Day....

Well, that's not the point, if i want to say how i miss my life in Intec, erm...not really Intec, but friends in Intec, it would take a whole post for that. So, continue with the Buddha Festival.

Buddha Festival is to celebrate the birth of Buddha as Siddhartha on the 8th day of the 4th Lunar month. The aim of this festival is to promote peace and harmony as well as bringing the temple to people, making the religion more ???. The 1st festival in Southbank was back in 1997 and throughout these years, its popularity increases.

There are a few ceremonies and activities to be done on that day. One of the most significant ceremonies is the 'Bathing Buddha' ritual which main purpose is to improve harmony and inner balance. The procedure will be:
1. Kneel on the cushion.
2. Fill the ladle with water and pour over small Buddha statue for 3 times.
3. For each pouring, read:
- 1st wash: "May I eliminate evil thoughts"
- 2nd wash: "May I cultivate good deeds"
- 3rd wash: "May I help save all living beings"

Well, since we all need to sleep, ok, it's me that need to sleep, so we departed during afternoon. Of course i'm not that big influence la, we went there in the afternoon mainly because we skipped the multi-faith forum.

Anyway, so we took citycat, ya, as in the picture, from Guyatt Park to Southbank Quay

toilet of the Citycat

what am i looking at?
c the pictures below n u will know

Finally, when we reached Southbank, this was what we saw:

Bathing Buddha Ceremony:

Guess what? I even saw Shao Lin Kung Fu!!
The most surprising part to me is that it is presented not only by Chinese, but also Caucasian leh!!! Ok, i admit I'm 三巴, but i'm so excited when i see them presenting Shao Lin Kung Fu, with the background music is 男而当自强 and 霍元甲. There are even kids!!
So let's the pictures tell you la!

This is the process of 心口碎大石...

I recorded a short video clip of it:

There was a multi-faith light offering ceremony too, I nearly missed it as I was too engrossed with the Shao Lin Kung Fu. There were representatives from several religions (I can't remember their names and who actually they are...sorry~~) including representatives from Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism. They gave their prayers regarding the birth of Buddha. The environment is quiet and solemn...

After the Light Offering Ceremony, we walked around and saw many stalls that sold food and souvenirs...
I heard one of the stall keepers said that they are dealers and normally won't set a stall like that, this time is only for the purpose of Buddha Festival, and all the profit gained will be donated. How kind they are~ feel touched and become 'paiseh' to bargain with them...

professional photographer, Alice,
with her professional camera.. =P

Honestly, the most important factor that attracts me there is the fireworks display! I really love to see fireworks, i recorded a video clip for that too, but as usual, I can't upload to my blog...Maybe I'm really noob in IT stuffs...haha!

Since i can't upload to my blog, i asked the very kind and nice Mr Kok to help me and he uploaded the videos to youtube. So thanks to him, the videos of fireworks are up on my blog now! haha! The fireworks really nice lo!!

Anyway, after the fireworks, we then went back and that's it for the festival!
and so to my update...haha!

* big thanks to Mr Kok for helping me. As a token of appreciation, i won't tease u in any comment u leave me for this post..haha, this post only.. *clapz clapz*


Just as an update for the previous post:

Guess what??

Ya, you are right! They called me again!

and this time, they still said that they are from XX Company and is having promotion or something else (I did not really pay attention for that as I'm watching my dear drama, and it was the scene when people are quarreling...they are disturbing me), but... the point is, she said that the "promotion" is correspond to ...


OMG!!! They even use Olympic as excuse!!! Haha! Should i feel proud?? They keep on thinking new tricks for me!!! I think I should be very proud and touch of that, right??

If you think I should, just tell me..If I collect enough votes, maybe my next post will be dedicated to them expressing my gratitude to them...giving me such honour!!


I'm sorry if u feel it's lame..haha!!

Aiya, who cares what they told me anymore? I'm already used to it...
However, there are a few suggestions from my friends, maybe I should list down their brilliant ideas:

1. Fish: TMD, 你以为我是傻的啊
(if you are reading my blog and don't understand what is TMD, that's fine, you don't need to know. It's nothing good, haha!)

2. Siu mou: Assalamualaikum, nak cari siapa ni?
(we guess that they don't understand Malay, but if they did, i got nothing to say then...willingly being tipu lo!)

3. Ah Pre: 我会讲中文, 但是我不要和你讲!!! (然后盖她电话!
(What do you think with this?? Personally think it is suitable when i'm frustrated with them.)

Haha, no matter which one i choose, they no longer affect my emotion now... You will not too, if you keep on receiving calls from them once in few days.
So, done with the updates..

It has been a long time since the last time i uploaded pictures, so just showing some of the views i get to see from the window of my room...
Let these pictures end my post!

Dawn view from my window,
maybe it is not as nice as those in Malaysia,
but i've nvr seen one back home, so i think it is nice.
Most probably also because it was that time that i've done with my biology assignments. =D

It was raining there.

Still raining~

see it?? it is rainbow!!
haha, i'm so excited..

p/s: actually i can even see fireworks from southbank, Brisbane from both my room and my apartment's balcony...haha!


"小姐你好, 我门是XX 电器公司的代表, 想要耽误你几分钟, 请你帮我们做个调查, 可以吗?"

好了, 到此为止, 做为一名从马来西亚远赴到澳洲升学的我, 或者是你, 你会怎么做呢?

A. 二话不说, 盖电话!

B. 跟她说: 不好意思, 我没时间!

C. 相信好心有好报, 答应了!

好吧, 无论你的答案是什么, 我的故事是:
她打来我家电话, 我很聪明地跟她说,
"Can you speak in English?",
'Sorry, wrong number.'

以为盖了电话就行了, 谁知手提电话就响了, 以为是妈妈打来, 天知道一接,
同一把声音, 同一句话:

"小姐你好, 我门是XX 电器公司的代表, 想要耽误你几分钟, 请你帮我们做个调查, 可以吗?"

好了, 抉择的时候到了, 我该不该答她呢?


就因为我好奇, 为什么她会有我的家和手提电话号码呢?

反正本小姐就那么地八,再带点心软, 就答应了!
从此, 好报没来, 恶梦却随之而来.....惨哦~~

所谓的接待小姐 -- 她
, 好心又八的我 -- 我

她: 你好我想问你几个关于电器的问题, 好吗?

我: (天真地) 好啊!

她: 请问你平常有用我们公司的电器吗?
我: 没有, 没听过.

她: 那你平常回到那哪里买电器呢? 超级市场, 百货公司, 电器专门店铺?
我: 超级市场吧..(在想, 超级市场和百货公司原来有差别的哦!)

她: 好的, 那请问你买电器会比较注意哪一点呢? 价格? 品质? 品牌?
我: (很认真地) 只能选一个吗??

她: 哦, 不是!

我: 哦, 好吧, 就价格和品质吧!

她: 好的, 小姐, 请问我可以知道你的名字吗? 好做个记录!
我:(又心软告诉她)龚嘉琪, (还怕死她写错)龙共的龚,王其的琪..

我:(妈妈教我要有礼貌)是吗? 谢谢!

她:我们公司未来可能回在澳大利亚开分公司, 我给你一个号码,那如果我们开分公司的话, 那   你就可以凭着号码来换取一张贵宾卡..抄下咯! (然后就说了一系列的号码)抄了吗?
我:哦, 有啊!

她:对了, 小姐, 我们着星期天会在堪培拉(Canberra)有个大型的活动, 如果你有时间的话,别可以到现场去参观哦!

她: 哦,因为没个入境的华人我们都有个记录, 方便我们在这区的华人朋友做调查. 我:(很笨地信以为真) 哦, 原来如此~~
她: 好了, 不打饶你了, 谢谢你哦!

我: 哦, 不用客气, 再见.

她: 再见!

以为事情告一段落了, 也就把这件事忘了, 直到~~~~~
那个星期天晚上, 她真的打电话给我!!!!!

她: 请问是龚嘉琪小姐吗?
我: 是
她: 请问你有来到我们
我: 没有. (当然没有啦, 难道我为了这么一个不懂什么东东的活动从Brisbane飞去 Canberra吗?)
她: 哦, 难怪啦! 小姐, 我们现场的抽奖游戏抽到你的名字, 可是你不在现场, 你要现在过来领取吗?
我: (很不耐烦地)不必了, 我不要了!
她: 哦, 不要紧, 我们会替你保留奖品, 迟点会有我们公司的职员再联络你的了!

结果过后的几天, 她不停不停地打电话来问我, 要送来给我!!! 在我多次不接电话之后, 我终于接了, 并说:
'我没兴趣!!!! 什么都不要!!!'

在一个风和日丽的早上, (其实不清楚有没有风和日丽) 我正在发着我的美梦时, 刺耳的电话又响了!!!! 以为是妈妈打来, 不加思索地接了, 一把一样的声音说着一句熟悉的话:

"小姐你好, 我门是XX 电器公司的代表, 想要耽误你几分钟, 请你帮我们做个调查, 可以吗?"

哇!!! 她真不死心!!! 为什么就要来骗我啦??? 我妈和我爸为了这件事骂了我好久啦!!! 问我为何那么笨???? 明知道那么多的骗人case, 还要被骗!!! 可是人家怎么懂来到澳洲还会有人要骗我啦!!!
那么多人不骗就来骗我???? !!!

同样地回答她: "Sorry, can you speak in English??"
她: "Sorry, wrong number. Bye."

当我要回去继续我美好的睡眠时, 电话又响了! 这下我还真的生气了! 但有鉴于我还在朦胧的状况, 也没什么大反应...但~~~

她: (一把类似的声音) 小姐你好, 我们这里是YY 科技集团.......
什么?????? 科技集团???
先来个电器公司, 再来个科技集团!!!

霎那间, 我真是完完全全地醒了!! 再回了一句:
"Can you please speak in English?"
她: (竟然会说一点点的)"Can you speak in Mandarin?"
我: "Oh, sorry, I can't."
她: "Ok, sorry, wrong number. Bye."

再三被电话吵醒, 已没有心情睡了, 就起身刷牙洗脸. 就在我刚刚刷完牙时, 电话又响了!!!

拿起电话一听, 你怎么都猜不到我听到的是什么!!

"Congratulations!!! you have just won a cruise on the Royal Caribbean Cruise!
To obtain your prize, please press 9~
The number 9 is there, press it~~~"

我到底做错了什么???? 要这样来惩罚我!!!
再接这样的电话, 我迟早会疯掉!!!
我说不会华语, 她还真用心良苦地找来英文版的给我!!!!!!!

我有那么好骗吗? 是我名字, 声音还是样子呢??


1. 怪爸妈, 把我名字改得听了就觉得好骗. (Sorry daddy mummy!)
2. 怪叶智强, 是他拉我进INS变 noob 的!
3.怪洪政阳,是他退休不教, 害我没明师指点...(但是不是被他教笨去就不置可否了!)
4.怪谢翰超, 是他没有帮我调高frequency!
5.怪洪盛钰, 是他整天frequency那么低,传染给我的!!

好了, 不能再赖别人了!!!

怪天怪地, 也只能怪自己, 谁叫我那么地??? 活该咯!!

希望她放过我吧! 不要再三不五时就打电话来烦我了!! 
天灵灵 地灵灵.....


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If you hope to find serious stuff or extravagant words in my blog, then i'm sorry to disappoint you lo! As what my blog title suggests, i'm a very lazy person who lazy in everything except sleeping n eating. hahahaha!!


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