It's a monday, after flowery flowery pictures, here comes some delicious pictures! ngek ngek ngek!!
What delicious pictures?? alright, i went to a Chocolate buffet! Yes,
which means, we can eat as much chocolate as we like, chocolate cakes, chocolate bits, chocolate ice-cream, chocolate tarts, chocolate brownies, the list goes one... *drooling*
I was super excited before i go there. Imagine i can eat as much chocolate stuff as i like... imagine the satisfactions of it~ wah~~~~ *drooling again..*
So, we went there in a group of 9:
wei jien, kev, ernest n me.
So here we go!!! That's the table for us. Each of us can pay just Aud18 and you can eat anything there!!
Wondering why we left so much? well, that's only my part! i did not take the left over by others.. it's really fulllllllll.....or satiates??
After eating half of each type of cakes and the brownies, I already don't feel like swallowing anything.
After trying some tarts which is full of cheese or cream, I really feel like stopping...
After trying some tarts with weird taste (eg: the chef may accidentally mix orange flavoured cough suspension into our tarts), I feel nausea.
After trying some ice-cream, I don't feel like eating any chocolates in another month!
Oh no!! we are all having phobia towards chocolate!!! really can't stand anymore... Ernest started to eat strawberry ice-cream after eating 1 round...
We walked out the bistro feeling disappointed, we expected to have more varieties and nicer cakes, brownies and tarts.. i'm not even feel like eating anything on my way back home though we passed by some food stalls...
anw, it's an experience, at least it gives me hope and happiness before i come.. haha!
but i'm not going to eat chocolate for the next month~~ =P
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