Yes!! it's GOLD CLASS MOVIE!!!
Yes, we went for a gold class movie!!
We went to watch 'Eagle Eye' in gold class cinema!!
Yes, we went for a gold class movie!!
We went to watch 'Eagle Eye' in gold class cinema!!
The story is: we bought Magnum ice-cream which is having a promotion now, by buying the aud3.10 magnum ice-cream, n registering online, you can get a gold class ticket by normal adult price. So... we ate it, registered it and go for it! Yeah!!!
Outside of the cinema (the bar behind us is the place where we ordered our drinks before entering the cinema and they will serve us with the drinks when we were watching the movie inside):
Outside of the cinema (the bar behind us is the place where we ordered our drinks before entering the cinema and they will serve us with the drinks when we were watching the movie inside):
Right before entering it:
Am i acting too 'sua pah'?
nvm, i admit, yes i am!
After the movie, outside the cinema, gold class waiting area:
So after the movie, we went for a walk in Indooropilly shopping complex and saw this pre-Christmas decoration.. wondering why are they there so early!??!
Anw, there are soooo cute!!
Ya, so the 1st Gold Class experience was great!! Comfortable chair and u can sit in any pose u like!! so, those in Australia, grab yourself a Magnum ice-cream now!! hahahaha! i'm not advertising Magnum... hmm.. it's one of the brand that are recalled due to the China milk scandal... Australia should have enough milk and no need import from China gua??? No matter how I've ate it and i'm still fine now, though i had flu for the past 1 week.... should have nothing to do with the ice-cream... the ice-cream is delicious~~
Hello?? could u at least intro wat movie we watched?
It's Eagle Eye, and it's soooo nice...lol
too excited about gold class? honestly it's not that special lor... hehe...
anyway, the idea of the movie is abit similar to I-Robot by Will Smith...stil, it's good!
I said v watched Eagle eye mah, aiya, if wan to know details, can just go to watch the trailer mah! watching the movie is not as exciting as watching it in gold class!!
erm... I-robot? this is just a main computer system, i-robot many robots la!
no larr, i mean the plot, it's about the brain of the super computer trying 2 take over the government or company or even the world itself with it's super logic....
same idea rit? lol...
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