It has been quite a long time that i did not update the blog... so just have some updates bout activities after my end of semester exams last semester.. erm... which was 2 months ago..
Decided to have a gracious dinner at Fiasco's Steakhouse of Morrison Hotel, which claimed to have best steak in Brisbane..
*though i don't eat steak...
Tried it's famous entree, 60 second calamari:
(calamari with chili blueberry dipping sauce)
My dinner, Morrison Parmigiana:
(Chicken breast pocketed with bacon and cheese, served with Caesar salad and wedges.)
* i love the salad!
Also, celebrated Sing King and my birthday in advance!!
since most of us will not be in Brisbane during July...
是因为不舍得那风景如画的纽西兰, 还是不想那忙碌烦恼的 semester 2 开课...
有着太多东西应该完成.... 却还未开始... 甚至不想动手...
我... 更懒了...
housemate 的妈妈回国了...
看着她为他们买菜煮饭, 看着她对他们的关心体贴....
我.. 想家了....
假放完了, 开学了...
看着同学讨论去哪儿吃晚餐, 发觉自己来了 Brisbane 这么久, 懂的地方真的很少...
发觉.. 我好象从来就躲在自己的世界里....
发觉.. 原来有多让我妒忌的事情..
我妒忌那些临时抱佛脚, 成绩却考得很好的人....
我妒忌那些天生丽质, 不用保养也有水嫩嫩滑溜溜皮肤的人...
我妒忌那些怎么吃, 都不胖的人....
其实回头看看, 我何尝不让人妒忌?
纵然不家财万贯, 至少父母的宠爱是无价之宝....
纵然不国色天香, 至少还见得下人...
纵然不怎么吃都不胖, 至少我没有太胖....
纵然不名列前茅, 至少成绩还过得去...
纵然不能到处尝试新美食, 至少我有幸能出国深造....
想想看, 比起很多人啊, 是很好了...
所以说, 人比人啊, 比死人...
做人啊, 还是知足的好....
*这么emo.... 可能P.M.S 了吧!!
For those who read my blog, u should know what happen to my hp.. it is still functioning very well, but occasionally cant listen to call.. as in i accept the call but listen nothing.. dunno what's wrong with it.. but anw, it's still working ok ok la..
my 损友们 always ask me to chg new hp by changing to 3 mobile, but i thought there is no nice hp for both the $19 and $29 cap.. so i just ignored them lo.... my hp still can use mah....
then suddenly, ystrdy night, my housemates whose 3 mobile's contract are giong to due soon, so they decided to change from 3 mobile to virgin mobile, cz the $29 cap got the new Sony Ericsson Vivaz which is really worthy...
i'm not interested cz my Optus prepaid now is just $30 for 2 months, so i'm not going to change to $29 per month, which is spending twice as much wo... i'm not using that much also mah...
who knows, 天注定我要做个败家女.... i realise the virgin mobile cap has Nokia 5800 xpress music... nah, the touch screen pone with wifi de leh...
sounds attracting to me, cz i'm just paying $4 more each month for 2 years n i wil get a new hp... sounds cool right?
i decided to change to Virgin mobile...
what makes me so 冲动? it says applying online now can get 3 months free of access fee.. hahahahaha!! worthy lo.....
so in the end, i followed my housemates to the Virgin mobile shop in city and wanna ask the details about it before applying it.. they wanted to apply there cz their online deal is same with the front shop deal...
who knows, when i'm there, they told me applying in the shop will get the deal too.. of course applying there la!!! more secured mah!!! hahahaha!!
so, i get my handphone immediately, after less than 24hours of the decision... u say i 冲动 or not la!!!
Ta daa!!!
Just back from Easter break (=mid-sem break)... but i'm not energetic at all, i'm feeling tired and lazy...
but anw, i will update my Easter break trip soon... i mean soon.. haha..
but not sure how soon..
So, this is not a post to update my trip.. but please expect me to be very agitated...
话说, I went to Sydney during my mid-semester break, and came back to Brisbane by a so-called national airline, Qantas. and there goes my story...
I was sitting at the window seat of the very last row of the air craft, so really sitting at a corner. I was listening to my mp3, playing games on my flight-mode-phone and at the same time day dreaming..
haiz.. my mood wasn't good at that time, cz my holiday is ending soon and i'm going back to brisbane, meaning that i gotta pick up every work that i left over.. busy a!! cham a!!!!
anw, that's not that point.. so since i'm so engross in my own mood, and the air craft engine was quite noisy (i dunno why...), i did not realise the announcement asking all the passengers to switch off their electrical appliances.
Suddenly, a loud voice appear above me.. when i mean loud, it is.. cz i'm listening to my music and still i feel that it's a loud voice. I realised the loud voice came from a 空妈 (a middle aged air stewardess)...
"Didn't you listen the announcement to switch off all the electrical appliances? Switch it off now!"
I was so blur that time and memang SHOCK... 真的不在状况之内.. 无端端的....
so i switch my hp off lo! who knows everything does not stop here...
she continued pointing at my mp3 and shouted:
"what's that?" (noob! blind also know is mp3 la! it's not in a weird shape pun...)
but the lagi noob me go n answer her: "mp3.."
"switch it off now!"
she was standing there in a very irritating way, 手插着腰 , staring at me and continue shouting:
"you should have switch it off earlier, how can you still leave it on? ..."
i was stunned there, even after she left my seat...
After don't know how long, when i finally come out from my own world, i was thinking:
"她做么骂我 wo?"
then only i realised what was happening!!
破财挡灾??? 哪个混蛋说的?
如果衰开有条路, 我应该是在一条康庄大路上了....
I promised to update my Vietnam trip posts but obviously it's still in the progress (well, it's not started at all.... =P).
Ask me why?
Because I'm just too MALANG lately... what so malang? That's a very long story... haiz...
1st day back in Australia
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