
2005 年的中秋
不太有印象, 大概是在考预考中度过吧...

2006 年的中秋
在莎亚南的麦当劳中度过...和一班朋友, 一起吃月饼, 讲废话....
此时此刻 此景不再....大家都在不同的地方....澳洲/纽西兰/美国...

在莎亚南的佛教中心 SABS (我忘了名字, 因为很少去....paiseh.) 庆祝..
犹记得还吃了'肉骨茶' 才回家...
节日依旧, 人面全非...
当时一起庆祝的朋友, 在世界各个角落, 为自己的理想和未来奋斗....

2008 年的中秋
在澳洲昆士兰 布里斯班庆祝..
第一次在国外过节, 感觉那么地不实在....那么地不像..
我昨晚看的月亮, 怎么看都很别扭...都不圆..都不大...
和一班药剂系的同学一起庆祝... 大家都在异乡过节...
终于有'独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲'的感触了!!

朋友们, 中秋节快乐!!!


mid autumn sorta like a festival tat destined to be not celebrated.. since young it is forever during exam period.. then leave home.. then tis yr finally is after exam, in nz pulak..
mid autumn oso destined to b bu lun bu lei..06 is mcD plus mooncake.. tis yr more geng..
sambal ayam + mooncake..lol..

haha, ya, seldom get to celebrate on that particular day, normally celebrate b4 or after.. well, we will not be able to celebrate mid autumn festival at home in the coming 3 years...

haha, at least sambal is msian food, feel better la...

"light represents hope, there are hope when all of us are bound together, those hands sticking together representing that the importance if the unity in community.. therefore it means that the unity of community brings hope, in short, v bring hope, n v r the angel....muahahaha..

Jiaji Kong

wu liao de copy cat!
main-main di comment saya!

help u发扬光大ur recent weird but 难得punya诗情画意嘛...
not good mer? lol...

wah, then i have to be very glad n thank you so much lo?
apa tu weird punya 诗情画意?? mana ada weird? lagipun, i always so poetic one, u din realise only! hng!

haha, u'r right! should be very thankful ma...
okok, my bad lorr.... jiaqi very poetic 1,keep it up then....! ngek ngek

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If you hope to find serious stuff or extravagant words in my blog, then i'm sorry to disappoint you lo! As what my blog title suggests, i'm a very lazy person who lazy in everything except sleeping n eating. hahahaha!!


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