话说认识我的人应该都知道我的方向感有问题, 是非常有问题。 为了将来朋友们的安全, 我只好说其实到现在, 我连 Brisbane city 的路都还认不清~~~~ 这是众所周知的事情了! 但是却有一位不知死活的朋友来找我并要我带路边--> 那就是 Mr. Wong Choon Seng.
为了这位不怕死的朋友,也为了我们两人的安全, 在他来之前, 我早早就问明路线, 画好地图了!! 聪明吧??
为什么开头是华文呢? 因为大美女说英文她看不懂, 看我的 blog 是跳了又跳, 最后什么都没看到。。 所以为了她, 这里加了一段华文再加几张靓仔照~~ 嘻嘻!
话说俊成先生在晚上8点终于抵达 Brisbane city!!! 虽然我差点就走错路, 但还是安全地到 Central Train Station... 当然也能安全无误地带他到晚餐的地方。。
过后就随便走走, 顺便走失。。 没有没有, 我是说顺便走下city 啦!! 就那么刚好在我似乎走错路时, 给我们看到这栋梁Musuem of Brisbane。After few hours, no i mean few minutes, of 冤枉路, aiya, no la, let him walk around city mah! We finally reached Brisbane Square!
We went to Casino to have a look. First time went to Casino and I was like so blur.. Everyone is enjoying themselves playing those machines and games but I don't know what are those at all! except some common Blackjack table games i guess.
After the Casino trip, it's too late to catch the last Citycat, so we just have a walk along Southbank waiting for night link bus. Fortunately, the Wheel of Brisbane still operating. We were lucky enough to get the last mid-night ride.
We had a walk after the Wheel and brought Choon Seng around Southbank to the man-made beach and to some other places, just simply walk around until we caught the 1st night link bus.
Since the next day had to go Movie World, we actually slept after reaching home, though it's late enough! I had to crawl out from my warm and comfortable bed after ONLY 5hours or less of sleep... so cham~~ T_T
We met up with Chia Yee, Kien Seng, Wei Jien and Khai Chin in city and took a picture before departure!
(without eric n calvin.)
Since it's not my 1st time going to Movie World, I'm not going to take all SCARY rides again! But as one of the hosts of the place, of course have to go for at least one, so we (means Khai Chin and I) opted for the Log Ride/ Wild West Fall ride. ~~ 哎~~ 人老了, 胆子也变小了! 虽然我不是最老的..(伟健啊, 我没有说谁最老啊! hehe!!! )
We were all wet after the ride.... Due to the rainy weather, the guests can't even take the Lethal Weapon ride~~
However this had nothing to do with Siu Mou and me, because we went to walk around those shops and buy some souvenirs. I did not have the opportunity to walk around in the previous trip as we were too busy trying all those rides.
While we were walking around, we realised the Warner Bro's Kids' World!!! It's so cute with all those kids' rides!
What we missed the last time was shows!!!! So we would not anymore!!
The Furry Fab Four Show
by Taz, Bugs Bunny, Daffy and Slyvester
The very 有型 Batman Show
After the very yeng Batman show, we waited for the Parade!! This time we chose the most strategic front row so that we had the chance to shake hands with the characters!!! 近距离接触!!!!
Although we had divided to the shopping group, which only consist of me and siu mou, and the rides' group, we did took some group pictures!
Since it's raining, we decided to leave early and proceed to Surfers Paradise to have a look! and i was super super regretted that i brought along a cacat umbrella with me!!!!
It was soooo 狼狈!! The wind was so strong and the rain was pouring down heavily.. i was so wet~~
天气是风雨交加, 雷电闪闪.......
所以在全身湿透后, 我们终于回家了!!! (其实也没有走很久, 不过一下下而已....)
谁知在这种天气的情况下, 我还不能顺利回家.. 本来是算好火车的时间, 然后到达火车站是只需等几分钟, 怎么知道火车竟然有 "technical problem & delay 20minutes"!!!!! 气死人!!!!!
累哦!! 回去之后还要努力收拾行李~~~ 可怜哦~~~~ T_T
* BATMAN 真的很有型!!!!!
choon seng arr choon seng...真是为你捏了把冷汗。。。哈哈。。。
那是Big2啦,不是BigD,你以为MacD merr?!
to jien: 捏什么汗啊? 你问他看对我满不满意??? 哼哼, 他敢说不.....
我哪有说你老, 你自己联想出来的...
to 阿癫: 哇~~ 那我不是要很感动, 为了我那么认真地去查字典...太感动了~~
哈哈, 我也有找字典啦, 谁叫你那么高效率?? 我真的很好心的咯!!!
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